Introduction to annual leave in Australia
Annual leave, also known as holiday pay, is a guaranteed right for eligible employees in Australia. It allows employees to take paid time off from work, offering important opportunities to rest and recharge. The minimum annual leave entitlement is outlined in the National Employment Standards (NES). For example, if an employee works a standard 38-hour week, they would earn approximately four weeks of annual leave every year.
As a business owner in, understanding annual leave entitlements is important to ensuring compliance with workplace laws. It's essential to know the rules about who is eligible, how leave is calculated and how it can be managed. Not observing these regulations can lead to penalties and workplace disputes.
An important additional entitlement linked to annual leave is annual leave loading. This is an extra payment made to employees on top of their regular base pay while they are on annual leave. This loading compensates employees for the potential overtime or penalty rates they would have earned had they been working during their time off.
Who is entitled to annual leave?
Australian workplace laws provide crucial entitlements to ensure employees receive periods of paid rest. Annual leave is one such entitlement, but it's important for business owners to understand exactly who qualifies.
All full-time and part-time employees are entitled to accrue annual leave based on their ordinary hours of work. This means they earn paid time off as they work throughout the year. Shift workers may be eligible for even more annual leave (up to 5 weeks) under the specific terms of their relevant award or agreement. It's important to note that casual employees in Australia do not receive annual leave entitlements.
The NES provides the fundamental framework for workplace rights in Australia, including annual leave. Awards, enterprise agreements and other registered agreements may offer more generous leave provisions, but they cannot offer less than the minimum specified in the NES. As an employer, you also have the option to provide additional annual leave allowances if you choose.
Calculating annual leave
Annual leave accrues (builds up) gradually over time, based on an employee's ordinary hours of work. This means it is earned throughout the year. Importantly, overtime hours and unpaid breaks do not count towards annual leave accrual. Let's illustrate how to calculate annual leave:
Assuming the minimum NES entitlement, a full-time employee working a standard 38-hour week accrues 2.923 hours of annual leave for each completed week of work. To arrive at this figure, you would start with the minimum entitlement of 4 weeks of annual leave (which equals 152 hours for a 38-hour week) and divide that number by 52 weeks in a year.
To calculate a full-time employee's total accrued leave, you would multiply the number of weeks they've been employed by 2.923. Next, subtract any annual leave they've already taken and multiply the remaining balance by their hourly pay rate.
Part-time employees earn annual leave in proportion to their regular working hours. For example, if an employee works 20 hours per week for a full year, they would accrue 80 hours of annual leave. This amount is equivalent to 4 weeks of leave based on their part-time schedule.
When annual leave does and does not accrue
Understanding when annual leave accrues (builds up) support business manage leave accruals. Annual leave accrues while an employee is on:
- Paid annual leave
- Paid sick/carer's leave
- Paid family and domestic violence leave
- Community service leave (e.g., jury duty)
- Long service leave
Annual leave does NOT accrue while an employee is on:
- Unpaid leave of any kind, including unpaid parental leave
- The Australian Government's Paid Parental Leave Scheme (if they are also taking unpaid leave from their employer during this time)
- Any period where their annual leave has been "cashed out" (if this is permitted by their award or agreement)

Managing annual leave requests
In most cases, employees initiate requests to take annual leave. Under the Fair Work Act, employers can only refuse an employee's annual leave request if the refusal is deemed reasonable. Factors such as operational needs, staffing levels, and the timing of the request can all be considered when determining if a refusal is reasonable.
Many businesses establish clear internal policies regarding annual leave. These policies often outline procedures for requesting leave, how much notice is required and any restrictions on when leave can be taken (such as during peak periods). A well-defined annual leave policy promotes smooth operations and helps manage employee expectations.
Australian workplace law does provide limited circumstances where employers can direct employees to take annual leave. Some common examples include:
- Company shutdowns - awards or agreements may permit employers to direct employees to take annual leave during a temporary shutdown period, often occurring around end-of-year holidays.
- Excessive leave accrual - if an employee accumulates an excessive amount of annual leave, the employer may be able to direct them to take some of it to reduce their balance. Specifics about what constitutes "excessive" are normally defined in the applicable award or agreement.
The specific rules and procedures outlining when an employer can direct an employee to take leave can be found within the relevant awards and registered agreements.
Special circumstances regarding annual leave
Sometimes situations arise that fall outside of the typical annual leave processes. Here are some of these special circumstances in the Australian workplace context.
Annual leave during personal/carer's leave
Employees have important protections when illness or caring responsibilities arise. If an employee becomes sick or injured while already on annual leave, they generally have the right to switch to using their paid personal/carer's leave entitlement instead. Employers can still request reasonable notice and evidence (such as a medical certificate) when this occurs. Importantly, employers cannot direct an employee to take annual leave if they are already on personal/carer's leave.
Cashing out annual leave
Under certain circumstances, employees may be able to cash out a portion of their accrued annual leave instead of taking time off. Cashing out annual leave means an employee receives a payment in lieu of actually taking time off. This practice that comes with strict regulations. Cashing out annual leave is only allowed if the employee's specific award or registered agreement explicitly permits it.
If the award or agreement does, there are safeguards in place to protect employees. Employees must always retain at least four weeks of accrued annual leave, and a written agreement must be signed each time a cash-out occurs. The agreement must clearly state the amount of leave being cashed out, the payment amount and the payment date. Further, if the employee is under 18, a parent or guardian must also sign the agreement.
Employers are also obligated to ensure the payment amount for cashed-out leave is exactly the same as the employee would have earned if they had actually taken the time off.
Annual leave when employment ends
Australian employment law requires that when employment ends, any unused, accrued annual leave must be paid out to the employee. This final payment must reflect the same entitlements (including loading or other special payments) the employee would have received had they actually taken the leave prior to separation. This applies regardless of what may be stated in an award, agreement or employment contract.

Who is entitled to annual leave, and how much do they get?
All employees in Australia, except for casual employees, are entitled to annual leave. Full-time employees accrue four weeks of paid annual leave per year, while part-time employees receive a proportional amount based on their regular working hours.
When can annual leave be taken?
Employees can generally take annual leave at any time after it has accrued, provided they give their employer reasonable notice. Additionally, annual leave continues to accrue while an employee is on other forms of paid leave.
What payments are required when annual leave is taken?
Employees must be paid at least their base rate of pay while on annual leave. Depending on their award, enterprise agreement, or employment contract, additional payments such as annual leave loading might also apply.
Can employers refuse annual leave requests?
Employers can only refuse an employee's request for annual leave if the refusal is reasonable, taking into account factors such as the business's operational needs, staffing levels, and the timing of the employee's request.
How is annual leave paid out when employment ends?
When employment ends, employers are legally obligated to pay out any unused accrued annual leave to the employee as part of their final pay.
Can annual leave be cashed out?
The ability to cash out annual leave depends on the specific award or registered agreement covering the employee. If permitted, there are usually restrictions in place, such as a minimum leave balance that must be retained and the requirement for a written agreement.
Can employees take leave during their notice period?
Yes, employees can generally take annual leave during their notice period, provided this is agreed upon with their employer.
Can employees take unpaid leave instead of annual leave?
Employees may be eligible for unpaid leave in certain circumstances outlined in the Fair Work Act and relevant awards or agreements. Whether an employee can utilise unpaid leave instead of annual leave depends on the specific reason and their eligibility.