A government organisation involved in emergency or natural disaster activities. For example, the State Emergency Service (SES) or Country Fire Authority.
Record-keeping is the process of documenting and maintaining essential employment information, such as hours worked and wages paid.
Redundancy is the termination of an employee's job due to the employer's decision that the job is no longer needed, excluding situations of staff turnover.
Redundancy determination involves a decision by the Fair Work Commission to reduce the redundancy payment that an employer is required to make.
Referring states are states in Australia that have transferred their workplace relations powers to the Commonwealth, excluding Western Australia.
A document between an employer and their employees covering employment conditions. A registered agreement must be approved by and registered with the FWC.
Return to work guarantee is an employee's right to return to their original job after taking parental leave.
Right of entry is the legal right granted to permit holders, usually union officials, to enter a workplace.
A roster is a schedule that shows when employees are expected to attend work, including days and times.
A day in a roster period that an employee doesn’t have to work. An employee’s day off can be paid or unpaid, depending on the award or registered agreement